

Product Lineup

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  • Royal Hawaiian Noni: Experience the "nutrient-rich" power of NQI's Royal Hawaiian Noni. Known, as the sacred fruit, by ancient Hawaiian healers for regenerating the body, it is now recognized by modern science. Experience the power.
  • Melt Down ®: Helps to raise your body's metabolic rate, it speeds up the rate in which energy is used which helps burn more calories.
  • Kick Start ®: Provides energy by making use of the calories locked within food. Prepared hot or cold, it has a delicious honey/apple/cinnamon flavor. A nutritional alternative to coffee, tea and soda. Provides a long lasting natural lift.

Our Ideas About Products
At NQI we provide to our customers a nutritional balance of all the essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, essential fats and fiber. We also use advanced technology to increase the body's metabolism and therefore burn calories.

Quality And Convenience
The convenience of NQI products is paramount. Our scientists and development personnel realize that a product needs to be quick and easy with the minimum amount of preparation to fit within your busy daily life. All of the products have been designed with convenience in mind.

The Cutting Edge
We are continually developing unique products to add to our already outstanding range. One of the new products in development includes a day and night time weight management formula which will help control the appetite, increase metabolism, and help burn unwanted calories while you sleep. At NQI the future is always present within our research laboratories ready to make its debut.

Fine Tuning
At NQI we want you to be able to fine-tune your nutritional daily diet, exercise program, and behavior patterns to their optimum level. This will give you the sense of well being and achievement that we all need and deserve. Many of us never really think about what we put into our bodies and what we need to function at our absolute best. With NQI you will already have the basis for better health and nutrition designed especially for you.

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